August 2020: Monthly Rainfall Analysis, North Horr Sub-County (KENYA)

August 2020: Monthly Rainfall Analysis, North Horr Sub-County (KENYA)

September 4th, 2020

Monthly accumulated rainfall and absolute rainfall anomalies calculated with data coming from the One Health community-based weather stations and the NASA-GPM satellite

The month of August was characterized by the almost total absence of rainfall, as expected.

Accumulated rainfall August 2020

Accumulated rainfall August 2020

Monthly accumulations of rainfall, measured using community-based manual weather stations, are in-line with the climatic baseline of the area, showing typical values for the dry season.

Rainfall anomalies are the following: El-Hadi (-10mm), Dukana (-8mm), North Horr (-6mm), El-Gade (-5mm), Kalacha (-4mm), Malabot (-4mm), Gas (-3mm) and Balesa (-2mm).

Rainfall Anomaly August 2020

Rainfall Anomaly August 2020

Satellite rainfall estimates are very close to the values measured on the ground. According with satellite data areas north-east of Dukana and El-Hadi (close to the border) and south of Gas and Malabot received up to 10-15mm of rainfall. More rainfall was received towards Turkana lake.

July and August were carachterized by frequent migratory movements typical of the dry months: pastoralists and livestock move away from home in search of pasture and water. On the other hand, since the sighting of new moon (Agust 20th), almost all the camels are brought back home due to the local celebration called “Sorio”, which ends by the third week of September.

Strong wind conditions were repeatedly reported in the entire area and will continue during the next weeks.

According to traditional indicators and local experts, such as intestines readers, new rain is expected soon. Numerical weather prediction models do not forecast significant rainfall for the next two weeks. The climatic baseline of the area shows an increasing likelihood of rainfall by the end of September.

This analysis is produced in the framework of the One Health project: Multidisciplinary approach to promote the health and resilience of pastoralist in North Kenya – AID11507. It is a 3-year initiative funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, aimed at improving the access and coordination of human and animal health services and of early warning and response systems to dangerous events that could put the pastoralist communities' health in North Horr Sub-County at risk. The project is led by CCM-Comitato Collaborazione Medica in partnership with VSF Germany - Veterinarians without Borders Germany, TriM - Translate into Meaning, and DIST - Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning.


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